Web 2.0 - "A Global Village"
According to Wikipedia, an online (free) encyclopedia, Web 2.0 "refers to what some people see as a second phase of development of the World Wide Web." A quick peek at Web 2.0 reveals some interesting characteristics that this "second phase" of the Internet offers in commnunication via various applications such as: weblogs - linkblogs - podcasts - RSS Feeds - social software - web APIs - web standards - online web services - Ajax ... and of course this list is becoming limitless.
Web 2.0 got its notority in a BusinessWeek artilce entitled: "It's A Whole New Web" that describes how people today are living inside the Web "by the millions" and they are "gathering and dissmeninating their own news with blogs and podcasts, creating customized article and photo feeds from their favorite sites and even anotating them with helpful text tags that others can search for on the Web site del.icio.us."
Yes the Web is "a changin" to a "do-it-yourself" movement, a world within a world. Maybe the term "World Wide Web" should be adjusted to what Marshall Mcluhan wrote in 1967, his book entitled: "Understanding Media", that the world is changing, "Time has ceased, space has vanished. We now live in a global village...a simultaneous happening" (1967: p.63).
Interestingly, almost 40 years ago, Mcluhan envisioned that "We live mythically and integrally...In the electric age, when our central nervous system is technologically extended to involve in the whole of mankind and to incorporate the whole of mankind in us, we necessarily participate...in the consequence of our every action" (1964: p.4).
One final interesting point is that television newscasts are now breaking away from their normal broadcast form, via TV, and such Global TV now offers their nightly newscast through Web 2.0 in the form of a podcast so you can listen to the entire program on your MP3 player on the way to work or while eating breakfast as you scan your RSS reader to see what the world is up to today. In fact, they advertise: "Miss the Global National newscast on Television? Now you can listen...in audio format on your portable MP3 player!"
More and more people are connecting via online avenues, using Web 2.0 without knowing it exists...but where would be today without it and where are we headed with it?